assemble_data brings together the DBCA Fire History data, the area of interest (aoi) and the aoi name into a list.

assemble_data(fire_path, FYfrom, FYto, aoi, accessed_on = NULL)



a character vector of the full file path to the previously downloaded DBCA Fire History DBCA 060 shape file (see details). File path includes file extension ".shp"


numeric representing the starting year for the analysis and generation of metrics. Years are financial year (July-June).


numeric representing the current year for the analysis and generation of metrics. Years are financial year (July-June).


the aoi object previously created by using either user_aoi() or DBCA_aoi()


date that the DBCA Fire History DBCA 060 shape file was downloaded and accessed. Defaults to NULL. Intention is to be able to track of when the data was accessed as over time the base data will be updated.


A list containing the spatially and temporally subsetted Fire History polygons, the aoi polygon/s, the aoi name and period. Spatial data are of class SpatVector and are reprojected to Albers GDA2020 (epsg:9473). Note if there is no data in the Fire History for the aoi, the function returns an error with a message.


Under the hood, assemble_data reads from the very large Fire History shape file only those polygons that intersect the aoi. The user must have previously downloaded the Fire History shape file DBCA_Fire_History_DBCA_060. The function stores the subset of the Fire History, the aoi and the aoi name in a named list which will be used by other functions for calculating various fire metrics. Note all spatial objects have class sf and data is now reprojected to Albers GDA2020 (epsg:9473).


Bart Huntley,


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
fire_data <- assemble_data(fire_path = "C:/path/to/data/DBCA_Fire_History_DBCA_060.shp",
FYfrom = 1988, FYto = 2022, aoi = aoi, accessed_on = "01/01/1901")
} # }