This vignette provides background and transparency for the digital data capture of burn grading surveys.

Creating the data capture form

The forms are archived in this package in three formats:

  • .odkbuild is the native ODK Build format. You can import and export .odkbuild files in ODK build via File > Load form from file and File > Save form to file, respectively. Exchange this file with other colleagues working on the form design. Currently, this format is the point of truth for form design. With the impending sunsetting of ODK Build, a move to XLSForm will be necessary.
  • .xml is the XForm exported from ODK Build, which you can import into the DBCA ODK Central server.
  • .xslx is the XLSForm exported from ODK Build, which can be modified further by hand, or even written from scratch by hand, and become the point of truth for form design.

Included forms

This package provides three forms:

  • OzCBI as system.file("odk/OzCBI.odkbuild", package = "rOzCBI") for forest burn grading.
  • HeathOzCBI as system.file("odk/HeathOzCBI.odkbuild", package = "rOzCBI") for heath burn grading.
  • FMSVerifySeverity as system.file("odk/FMSVerifySeverity", package = "rOzCBI") for forest burn grading verification and re-recording.

Each form is provided as .odkbuild ODK Build save file, .xml XForm, and as .xlsx XLSForm.

Previous form versions are included in the inst/odk/archive folder.

Setting up a data capture device

ODK Central setup QR code

  • Install ODK Collect from Google Play onto an Android tablet, Add project, and scan the QR code shown here. This configures the tablet to our DBCA server.
  • Adjust settings to taste - auto-upload data only with WiFi, change image size (medium, 2048px is a good balance between clarity and file size).

Capture data

  • Follow the data capture protocols.
  • Consult the ODK Collect user guide on how to use ODK Collect in general.
  • Aim to take all photos in landscape orientation (turn device sideways), as landscape photos display better on computer screens and in documents.

Upload data

  • Adjust ODK Collect settings to auto-upload data where WiFi is available.
  • Bring the tablets into an area with WiFi.