This workbook shows how to update TSC from KMI’s WACensus views.
is defined here as a shortcut to tscr::upsert_geojson
for convenience.
gjprod <- function(data, ser) upsert_geojson(
data, serializer = ser, api_url = get_tsc_api_url(), chunksize = 1000)
Run against local, UAT or production TSC instance. Adjust chunksize down when getting “504 gateway timeouts”.
"public:herbie_hbvsupra_public" %>% gs_getWFS() %>% gjprod("supra")
"public:herbie_hbvgroups_public" %>% gs_getWFS() %>% gjprod("groups")
"public:herbie_hbvnames_public" %>% gs_getWFS() %>% gjprod("names")
"public:herbie_hbvfamilies_public" %>% gs_getWFS() %>% gjprod("families")
"public:herbie_hbvgenera_public" %>% gs_getWFS() %>% gjprod("genera")
"public:herbie_hbvspecies_public" %>% gs_getWFS() %>% gjprod("species")
"public:herbie_hbvxrefs_public" %>% gs_getWFS() %>% gjprod("xrefs")
"public:herbie_hbtparents_public" %>% gs_getWFS() %>% gjprod("parents")
"public:herbie_hbvvernaculars_public" %>% gs_getWFS() %>% gjprod("vernaculars")
This section demonstrates how to update a single taxon in TSC.
hbv_groups <- gs_getWFS(layer_name = "public:herbie_hbvgroups_public")
groups_props <- purrr::map(hbv_groups[["features"]], "properties")
#> $ogc_fid
#> [1] 1
#> $class_id
#> [1] "MONOCOT"
#> $name_id
#> [1] 829
#> $updated_by
#> [1] "HERBIE"
#> $updated_on
#> [1] "2011-04-11Z"
#> $rank_name
#> [1] "Species"
#> $name
#> [1] "Eleocharis philippinensis"
#> $md5_rowhash
#> [1] "14265e1da8827c4262f1bac48b770e3d"
This is the format of the data expected by tsc_POST
tsc_POST(groups_props[[1]], serializer = "group")
Similarly, we could extract the list of taxonomic names from the KMS GeoServer layer public:herbie_hbvnames_public
, which represents the WACensus view hbvnames
We retain the fields used in TSC and limit the results to 100 names to keep the file size of this vignette small.
wace_names <- "public:herbie_hbvnames_public" %>%
gs_getWFS() %>%
magrittr::extract2("features") %>%
name_id = purrr::map(., c("properties", "name_id")) %>% as.integer(),
name = purrr::map(., c("properties", "name")) %>% as.character(),
author = purrr::map(., c("properties", "author")) %>% as.character(),
reference = purrr::map(., c("properties", "reference")) %>% as.character(),
rank_name = purrr::map(., c("properties", "rank_name")) %>% as.character()
)} %>%
wace_names %>%
reactable::reactable(filterable = TRUE, sortable = TRUE, searchable = TRUE)