
  max_records = NULL,
  min_year = 2016,
  save = NULL,
  compress = "xz"



(int) The max number of records to retrieve, default: NULL (download all).


(int) The earliest year to include.


If supplied, the filepath to save the data object to.


The saveRDS compression parameter, default: "xz". Set to FALSE for faster writes and reads but larger filesize.


An S3 class "wastd_data" with items:

  • downloaded_on A UTC POSIXct timestamp of the data snapshot generated by Sys.time.

  • sites An sf object of known WAStD sites.

  • areas An sf object of known WAStD localities.

  • surveys A tibble of surveys, reconstructed by WAStD from Site Visit Start and End records (where given) and (TurtleNest)Encounters.

  • animals A tibble of AnimalEncounters, which includes live sightings, rescues, strandings, and other incidents, and turtle tagging. Data is included from 2016 and onwards.

  • tracks Turtle tracks and nests.

  • nest_dist Turtle Nest and General disturbance / predation.

  • nest_tags Turtle Nest Tags.

  • nest_excavations Turtle Nest Excavations - hatching and emergence success.

  • hatchling_morph Hatchling morphometrics from next exacavations.

  • nest_fans Hatchling emergence tracks - main fan.

  • nest_fan_outliers Hatchling emergence tracks - individual outliers.

  • nest_lightsources - Light sources present during hatchling emergence.

  • nest_loggers - Temperature loggers inside the nest. LoggerEncounters were migrated to become LoggerObservations.

  • linetx LineTransects of Turtle Track Tally counts.

  • track_tally Tally of track type/species, many per linetx.

  • disturbance_tally Tally of dist/pred, many per linetx.


See also ??wastdr::export_wastd_turtledata for a detailed explanation of the data tables.

Verbosity is governed by wastdr::get_wastdr_verbose().